Motion Control Marketing – The New Sales Funnel – Adapting to Change

Motion Control Marketing – Adapting to the New Marketing Paradigm

A message for Motion Control Marketers

The role marketing is expanding!

As a marketer of technical products I make an effort to view the sales process as a consumer.  Fact – All consumers are not alike.  Speaking only for myself, although, I believe there are many like me, that want to do their own research, and ONLY talk to sales when they are ready to.

Depending on the consumer it may be early or late in the sales process.  Perhaps the sales funnel should reflect an overlap rather than have a line at which the process switches from marketing to sales.  That said, consumers need to be aware of a product, have their interest aroused, have cause to consider the product, and have an interest in purchasing the product.  Marketing today necessarily has a bigger role in the sales process than in years past.

Years ago (pre-internet) a potential customer saw a product release or an ad in a magazine, circled a number on a “Bingo Card” and got a sales call made on him.  Today the potential customer sees a product release or ad and starts to do his own research.  In addition to some reviews, he will find data sheets, application notes, videos, dedicated web pages, and blogs online (products of the marketing department) all of which will be carefully reviewed before a sales person is ever called.

Developing and implementing an effective Business-to-Business marketing program for technical products that:

Creates Awareness of …

Generates Interest in …

Causes Consideration of …

Raises the level of Intent to …


Aids in the Evaluation of …

Does not have to be expensive! 

However, It does have to be well planned …       … and that plan has to be carried out.

For large companies the marketing program can include: Paid Advertising, Product Releases, an expensive interactive Website, a Blog, Data Sheets and Brochures.  All effective tools to create Awareness, Interest, Consideration, etc.

For smaller companies an effective reasonably priced, affordable marketing program can include: Product Releases, a Website, perhaps a Blog, and Data Sheets.

Product Releases are great for creating Awareness of, they also generate Interest in, and cause further Consideration of your products, each time the release is seen in a different print or online publication.

The Website does not have to have an expensively developed “WOW” factor as much as it has to have the information needed to determine if your product is right for the prospects application, or if you have the capability of supplying a custom product to meet or perhaps even exceed his or her needs.

A simple inexpensive blog, can also be an effective marketing tool.

Data Sheets …   … Create a straight forward format for an online data sheet that provides the technical data needed helps in the Evaluation that then can lead to the Sale!

 For over 30 years I have been marketing exclusively Motion Control Products. First as a Marketing Manager and then as Marketing Consultant.  I have enjoyed working with several companies for over 20 years.  Call me at 760-497-0776 or Email me at and see how inexpensive an effective marketing program can be.

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